RTD FasTracks and Eminent Domain
Protecting Homeowners and Landowners in Colorado – Your Rights Matter
If you are involved in a dispute with the Regional Transportation District (RTD) because they have attempted to take or have taken your real estate- or if they are attempting to condemn your property for a FasTracks project- you might need legal assistance. In this type of situation, it is vital that you seek legal counsel from an experienced attorney who is proficient in handling eminent domain cases.
RVM LAW, LLC (Attorney in Denver) has been handling cases like this type, and other kinds of legal matters, for the last 10 years. The firm specializes in a vast array of real estate litigation cases and has resolved all their client’s situations every time.
If you are involved in a dispute with the RTD (FasTracks Project), our well-educated and efficient lawyers can assist you. We have exactly what it takes to make sure your rights are protected.
About the Regional Transportation District (RTD) FasTracks Project
This project is a multi-billion-dollar project (a mass transportation project). The development is used to expand the following (in Colorado):
• Light rail
• Rail
• Bus lines
The main reason for the expansions is to improve transportation conveniences for individuals who commute to and from work or to and from other places in Colorado. The advantages for the public, in general, might be a good thing, however the people harmed by property procurements (having their property taken or condemned) have the right to protection and compensation; appropriate and ethical actions and compensation.
RVM LAW, LLC (attorney In Denver) understand these disputes all too well and specializes on these kinds of legal matters; like eminent domain and/or condemnations of real property. You have the right to be compensated for your troubles and your real estate that has been taken away from you. Our knowledgeable lawyers are here to get you the exact value of your land and/or real property.
Protecting Your Rights – Steps to Follow
The first step you need to take is to discuss you case with an experienced attorney; one who specializes in real estate disputes, especially RTD FasTracks Projects and Eminent Domain Issues. Our legal experts realize that when the government makes an offer to a homeowner, the offer is always way below the value of the property.
Here, at RVM LAW, LLC (Attorney in Denver), we evaluate your entire case and do a comprehensive evaluation to make certain you get exactly what your land and/or real property is worth. We know several professional appraisers in Colorado as well. We consult with them and they help calculate the true value of your real estate so that you receive the maximum amount you deserve.
One other important item we want you to know: never sign any paperwork and never waive any of your constitutional rights when dealing with RTD without consulting a legal expert first. By waiving rights and signing certain documents, you might be signing away all your rights and might be agreeing to take money for your property that is no where need what the value of your real estate is.
You could be granted relocation funds, so you could relocate your home and/or business. Every aspect of Regional Transportation District (RTD) obligations, as well as your constitutional rights, should be examined by a real estate attorney before you sign any paperwork or make any agreements with RTD in Colorado.